2020-2021 Grant Awards
From the Desk of the Vice President: The Women’s Guild has a long and rich history of annually disbursing funds to church and local community organizations. I am pleased to announce this year’s (2020-2021 Grant) disbursements to the following OLPH Ministries: OLPH Life After Loss Ministry $500.00 OLPH Sacramental Program. $2,000.00 TOTAL $2,500.00 The Life After Loss Ministry has a was strong connection with the Guild since the original OLPH bereavement ministry started by longtime Guild members Adele Alexander, Jackie Bernal and Mary K. Erickson. The current program is administered by Guild members Sylvia Gardner, Maureen Cimino, Lupe Silva, Sandra Reyna and Theresa Nicholas, Director of OLPH Religious Education. The…