Advent 2021
“ Be Vigilant- Christ will come again!” I’m taking the liberty to extract from the introduction by Most Reverend Thomas J. Gumbleton in the book, Biblical Meditations for Advent and the Christmas Season, by Carroll Stuhlmueller, C.P., to share a few of his points on the Advent Season. This first volume of a 5 part set of books was published in 1980 and still speaks to us today. In his introduction, Bishop Gumbleton says: “Many are turning to Sacred Scriptures each day for their daily prayer and finding it more and more a way of integrating their very active lives with at least the beginnings of genuine contemplation.” “You might…
2021 Holiday Food Drive
Thanksgiving Food Drive 2021 The Women’s Guild helped OLPH’s Thanksgiving Food Program with a generous monetary donation towards the purchase of staples for the Thanksgiving food baskets. We also helped to move donated items to the Parish Center and helped to sort out the food. Thank you ladies for all your hard work and giving of your time, talents, and treasures to help others in need! Please be as generous as possible in your giving. The article below is from the 2021 Nov/Dec Women’s Guild Newsletter