Christian Service
Christmas Adopt a Family- Donation Drive: November 1 – December 8
With the blessing of Fr. Danny Garcia, the Women’s Guild will work to fundraise for this year’s Christmas Adopt-A-Family project. Families for adoption will be provided by the Religious Education director and OLPH school outreach coordinator. Your support is critical in serving these families. If you are able to make a donation this is how you can help: Make your check payable to: Catholic Women’s Guild. Mail your donation to: Women’s Guild Christmas 2021, 10727 S. Downey Ave, Downey 90241 or simply drop off your donation at the Rectory office. Please, no cash or gift cards. If you would like a receipt for tax purposes, please write TY23 in the…
2023 Red Cross Blood Drive
Our Lady of Perpetual Help 7th Annual Red Cross Blood Drive
2023 Red Cross Blood Drive
Church Cleaning: Altar Committee
Women’s Guild members and interested parishioners can volunteer their time to tidy up and clean the OLPH Church every Thursday morning. If you are interested in volunteering, you are welcome to come to the church at 9:00 am every Thursday. (A few exception for holidays or Holy Days.). The Altar Committee chairwoman, Margie Delgado, will be there to show you what needs to be done. We thank you in advance for you desire to do this charitable work.
Respect Life Committee
2021 Holiday Food Drive
Thanksgiving Food Drive 2021 The Women’s Guild helped OLPH’s Thanksgiving Food Program with a generous monetary donation towards the purchase of staples for the Thanksgiving food baskets. We also helped to move donated items to the Parish Center and helped to sort out the food. Thank you ladies for all your hard work and giving of your time, talents, and treasures to help others in need! Please be as generous as possible in your giving. The article below is from the 2021 Nov/Dec Women’s Guild Newsletter
COVID-19 Vaccination Clinic
The Women’s Guild is hosting a COVID-19 vaccination clinic on Saturday, October 16, 2021, from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm on the OLPH School Campus. It is open to anyone 12yrs old and older. Booster shots are also available for those meeting eligibility requirements. The second dose will be administered on Saturday, November 6, 2021, also from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm at the same location. The vaccinations are free and health insurance is not required. No immigration questions are asked. Children must be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian. Proof of age is required. The OLPH School campus is located at 10441 S. Downey Ave.
2022 Red Cross Blood Drive
Red Cross Blood Drive 2021 Blood Drive 2021 Blood Drive 2021 Blood Drive February 2022 Red Cross Blood Drive
Altar Committee
The Altar Committee is chaired by Margie Delgado. With her volunteers, they dust furniture, clean windows, and polish marble. These ladies also clean the vessels used at Mass. The Altar Committee meet on Thursday at 9:00 am in the Church for about 1 hour. If you would like to help (weekly or occasionally) come to the Church so that we can get to know you and work with you. Click on the calendar below to add your name as a volunteer.