Our Lady of Guadalupe Novena*
Nov. 7 – 12 ▪ 7:00 pm – 7:30 pmJoin Deacon Richard and Guild member Yolanda Medina inpraying the rosary in our first virtual Our Lady ofGuadalupe novena. The novena begins Sunday, November 7and concludes Friday, November 12. We will meet from7:00 pm until 7: 30 pm via Zoom.Our Lady of Guadalupe holds a special place in the religiouslife of North and South Americans as Empress of theAmericas. Her image has played an important role as anational symbol of Mexico.Meeting #ID: 899 9267 6695Password: qpbA9gFor additional info: Jo Ann Ramirez 714-932-3449Website: womensguild.olphdowney.com orEmail: womensguild@olphdowney.com
Our Lady of Guadalupe Rosary Novena
Nov. 7 – 12 ▪ 7:00 pm – 7:30 pmJoin Deacon Richard and Guild member Yolanda Medina inpraying the rosary in our first virtual Our Lady ofGuadalupe novena. The novena begins Sunday, November 7and concludes Friday, November 12. We will meet from7:00 pm until 7: 30 pm via Zoom.Our Lady of Guadalupe holds a special place in the religiouslife of North and South Americans as Empress of theAmericas. Her image has played an important role as anational symbol of Mexico. For Zoom Meeting ID and Password, please contact: Jo Ann Ramirez 714-932-3449 or Email us at: womensguild@olphdowney.com Board Members will find the details of the Zoom Meeting and password on…
Protected: NEW LOCATION Board Meeting Notice for November & December 2021
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Protected: 2021 Audit Report
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A Jubilee Year was declared by Archbishop José H. Gomez to mark the 250th Anniversary of Mission San Gabriel Arcángel, which was founded by the great Franciscan missionary, St. Junipero Serra, in 1771. The mission is the first church in what is now the Archdiocese of Los Angeles. And as Pope Francis has noted, the Jubilee Year recognizes not only the Church’s beginnings in Los Angeles, but also the Christian beginnings in Los Angeles, but also the Christian beginnings of America and the influence of Christian values in the formation of our national identity. For more information on the Jubilee visit the website: https://forwardinmission.com/ Jubilee Prayer Feast of the Nativity…
Protected: 2021-2022 Agenda, Minutes, and Reports
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COVID-19 Vaccination Clinic
The Women’s Guild is hosting a COVID-19 vaccination clinic on Saturday, October 16, 2021, from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm on the OLPH School Campus. It is open to anyone 12yrs old and older. Booster shots are also available for those meeting eligibility requirements. The second dose will be administered on Saturday, November 6, 2021, also from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm at the same location. The vaccinations are free and health insurance is not required. No immigration questions are asked. Children must be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian. Proof of age is required. The OLPH School campus is located at 10441 S. Downey Ave.